The Basics Of Human Health

By Philip A. Wheeler, Ph.D.

All living things depend on resonance for survival.  Resonance refers to the state of having the organism in question able to vibrate in harmony with its surroundings.  Humans supposedly should live longer than we usually do according to biblical and scientific references.  “Balance” is another way of talking about the same thing.

Minerals are the basis of life.  Vitamins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes etc. all come into play on the basis of having the minerals present in the first place.  The minerals must be in a form that the body can digest and absorb or absorb directly through any tissue.

The health status of each of us depends on genetics, diet, lifestyle, physical surroundings and mental processes.  We cannot do anything about our genetic makeup, but we can avoid the mental process that tells our physical body that it is “doomed” to have this or that condition because one of the parents or grandparents had it.   Predisposition to a disease/condition is not a guarantee that you will develop it.

Diet requirements are different for different body types.  Some people (can be based on race or ethnicity) do much better than others on meats or grains or fruits, etc.  You have to do some reading and be aware of how your body reacts when you have various foods.  The fast food diet supplemented with excessive carbohydrates from chips, sweets and sodas probably isn’t very good for anyone.  The craving for carbohydrates is usually there because of the missing minerals in the fast food.

Water intake is a part of diet, but requires special consideration.  Doctors are now saying that the 8 glasses a day is a myth because they can’t find any double blind study that “proved” it made a difference.  It seems rather obvious that flushing out the waste products of metabolism is very important.  How many glasses of water it takes to keep your body fully hydrated and your urine almost clear is the right number for you.  Distilled water still appears to be one of the best choices as is has the greatest ability to extract and carry away the waste products.

Lifestyle covers everything from exercise, work situations, alcohol and cigarette use, marital status and mental outlook.  Anyone deprived of oxygen for more than a few seconds suddenly realizes its importance.  The general consensus among health practitioners is that cancer starts in oxygen deprived, low pH areas.  Hydrogen peroxide has been used to supplement the body’s needs, but you are supposed to get the oxygen through your lungs.  Exercise keeps lungs healthy.  Exercise also increases the flow of the lymph system which carries the waste products to the organs of elimination.  You don’t want your “sewer system” to back up.

Work situations, marital status and mental outlook are all related.  Stress kills.  Married men live longer.  Most astounding is the research that shows your longevity is based more on how you view your health and your usefulness than on your state of health at any given time.  In other words, people who think their health is OK and have a positive outlook about getting older, even though they have health problems, live longer than those who think they are in poor health and feel useless or unwanted.  This confirms some quantum physics theories about the human mind and its ability to create the reality it perceives.

How do I translate these facts into something I can do?  The following suggestions are things that we (Louisa and I) do, that seem to work well for us.

Diet:  We eat a wide variety of foods: multi-fruit breakfasts with multi-grain breads; multi-item salads that include greens, vegetables, cheese, nuts/seeds and left-over meat or fish in small amounts for lunch and pasta/rice/potato with several vegetables and fish or chicken for dinner. We don’t eat much red meat because we know our bodies do not digest it very well. We don’t like the effect we experience when we overdo it.  Be aware.

Water: We drink distilled water all day.  It works best to clean out waste products and hydrate the cells when you drink on a regular basis.  We use an every ½ hour schedule which was recommended by Dr. Reams.  We usually drink about 8-10 swallows at each ½ hour interval.  And “Yes” you will go to the bathroom more often, which is desirable.  We stop after “supper” to avoid disturbing our sleep.

Lifestyle:  Since we work inside [lab and office], we need to do something to oxygenate our bodies.  Being “older”, impact exercises are not good for knees.  Therefore, we take 15 minutes, morning and night to use a Chi Machine.  The Chi provides the aerobic equivalent of brisk walking.  However, it also stimulates the lymph system to improve waste removal and stimulates the spinal cord fluids to keep the nervous system working.

The Chi is supplemented with floor and weight exercises that can be done at home. However, we get out and ride bicycle, walk, rollerblade, etc. whenever possible.

We run a ‘Concerto” unit in the house to get rid of the imbalanced electro-magnetic pollution that is in all wired buildings.  It is especially helpful against computer fatigue.

Most importantly, we take what we consider the most advanced, most effective mineral supplements that have ever been available in the world (Eniva).  They require no digestion, they can go though your stomach, your mouth lining or be applied topically anywhere on the body.  Eniva minerals can not “build up” and cause problems like bone spurs if you take a little too much.  We just saw a video of an 83 year old man who has spent the last ten years slowly dying of Parkinson’s Disease and then being bedridden.  He was back to driving and working on his tractor after using the minerals for several months.  That is a miracle! Please call us if you or your loved ones are experiencing health challenges!